Pengaruh Pemberian Monosodium Glutamat Peroral Terhadap Nekrosis Tubulus Kontortus Proksimal Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) Jantan Galur Wistar
Monosodium glutamat MSG merupakan zat kimia yang mengandung glutamat dalam bentuk bebas yang tidak terikat pada molekul protein, menyebabkan konsumsi MSG secara berlebihan dapat membentuk radikal bebas yang dapat bermanifestasi terhadapat kerusakan ginjal.Tubulus Kontortus proksimal ginjal memiliki aktivitas reabsorbsi yang tinggi dan juga memiliki reseptor glutamat, sehingga lebih peka jika terjadi anoksia dan nekrosis sel. Nekrosis sel tubulus kontortus proksimal ginjal ditandai dengan perubahan struktur histopatologi berupa piknotik, karioreksis, dan Kariolisis. Tujuan penelitian mengamati apakah terdapatnya pengaruh pemberian MSG terhadap nekrosis dan perbedaan nekrosis sel tubulus kontortus proksimal ginjal tikus putih. Penelitian ini merupakan true eksperimental laboratorik dengan rancangan Post Test Control Group Design yang dilakukan pada 24 ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan galur wistar berusia 8-12 minggu dengan berat 150-200 gr, terbagi kedalam 4 kelompok hewan coba (K 1 kelompok kontrol, P I dengan dosis 0,378mg/grbb/hari, P II dengan dosis 0,756mg/grbb/hari, P III dengan dosis 1,512mg/grbb/hari) selama 21 hari. Pengamatan sel tubulus kontortus proksimal ginjal dilakukan pada 5 lapang pandang. Nekrosis sel terdapat pada semua kelompok hewan coba kelompok kontrol 11.04%, kelompok perlakuan 1 37,57%, kelompok perlakuan 2 56,29%, dan kelompok perlakuan 3 80,97% mengalami nekrosis tertinggi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji kruskal-wallis dan mann whitney. Terdapat perbedaan rerata persentase nekrosis sel tubulus kontortus proksimal ginjal antar kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh pemberian MSG dosis 0,378, 0,756, dan 1,512 mg/grbb/hari terhadap nekrosis sel tubulus kontortus proksimal ginjal dengan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,005)
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a chemical that contains glutamate in free form which is not bound to protein molecules, causing it able to form free radicals in the body which can manifest in kidney damage. The proximal convoluted tubule has a high reabsorption activity and also has glutamate receptors, making it more sensitive to anoxia and cell necrosis. Necrosis of the proximal convoluted tubular cells is characterized by changes in the histopathological structure in the form of picnotics, cariorexis, and cariolysis. This study aims to observe whether there is an effect of MSG administration on necrosis and the difference in necrosis of proximal convoluted tubular cells of rats' renal. This study is a true laboratory experimental design with a Post Test Control Group Design conducted on 24 male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) wistar strain aged 8-12 weeks with a weight of 150-200 grams, divided into 4 experimental animal groups (KI control group, PI with a dose of 0.378 mg/g b.w./day, PII with a dose of 0.756 mg/g b.w./day, P3 with a dose of 1.512 mg/g b.w./day) for 21 days. Observation of the proximal convoluted tubular cells was carried out in 5 visual fields. Cell necrosis was found in all experimental animal groups, in the control group 11.04%, the treatment group 1 37.57%, the treatment group 2 56.29%, and the highest necrosis is in treatment group 3 80.97%. Data analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney tests. There was a difference in the mean percentage of renal proximal tubular cell necrosis between the control and treatment groups. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of giving MSG doses of 0.378, 0.756, and 1.512 mg/g b.w./day on the necrosis of proximal convoluted tubular cells with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.005).